Note:It is the dog owner’s responsibility to be sure vaccinations are current upon arrival to Astro Kennels. If for any reason your dog must be taken to the vet, owners will incur a charge of $2.50 per mile and a $50 sitting fee.
We accept vaccine records via e-mail. Please send your records to the following e-mail addresses:
Astro Kennels (Five Forks):
Astro Kennels 2 (Mauldin):
Following the recommendations of veterinary experts, Astro Kennels requires the following vaccinations be CURRENT, prior to arrival, for all pets boarding, training, grooming and visiting the facility. These requirements are for the health and safety of all our guests, and we require written documentation from your veterinarian. Dogs: all dogs over 6 months are required to be vaccinated with the minimum of: DHPP, Bordatella, and Rabies. We recommend dogs receive all their vaccinations, especially kennel cough at least 10 days prior to boarding. DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus) - Annually or every three years. Bordatella (Kennel Cough) - must be within the past 12 months - please note, some vets administer by request only. Rabies - Annually or every three years, depending on the vaccine your veterinarian administered. Puppies under 6 months must be current with their puppy shot series. Minimum three rounds of DHPP and one round Bordatella are required for puppies. Cats: all cats over the age of 6 months are required to be vaccinated for Distemper and Rabies. The Feline Leukemia vaccination is strongly recommended for cats. Kittens under 6 months must be current with their kitten shot series.
Canine disease and virus info: Distemper: A viral disease causing fever, diarrhea, respiratory problems, and convulsions. Often fatal. Hepatitis: A viral disease that attacks the liver and other organs. Parainfluenza: A highly contagious, airborne virus. Causes a harsh, hacking cough (one form of "kennel cough"). Vaccines only partially protective. Parvovirus: Highly contagious. Causes severe bloody diarrhea, vomiting, and fever. Can be fatal. Rabies: A viral disease causing temperament changes, inability to swallow, and convulsions. Ultimately fatal. Affects almost all warm-blooded animals, including humans. Feline disease and virus info: Panleukopenia: "Feline distemper". Causes severe diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration. Often fatal. Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV): Causes many varied symptoms including fever, weight loss, chronic illness, leukemia, and cancers. Usually fatal once clinical signs develop. Rabies: A viral disease causing temperament changes, inability to swallow, and convulsions. Ultimately fatal. Affects almost all warm-blooded animals, including humans. For more information on pet health, please see our links page. ***Upper respiratory illnesses are airborne, therefore, your dog may contract “kennel cough” through a fence, across a street, etc. Like a flu shot in humans, your dog can still get an upper respiratory illness even if they have had their Bordatella vaccine.***
Confidentiality Statement: linked here.